Google Turn-by-turn navigation available in Singapore?

Google Turn-by-turn navigation available in Singapore?

Ever cursed and swore at the price of GPS and navigation software on the android? Wished that Google navigation was available in Singapore? Apparently it now is, or so says Google’s list of supported countries.

Update 13 Nov 12: Google Maps Navigation has been officially enabled!

Update 2 Nov 12: And it’s been removed from the list! here today gone tomorrow!

I tried, updated my Google maps to 6.14.1, but it’s still not working for me. Straits Times says that Google confirms that the capability is coming, but did not admit when. I hope that it’s soon!

Hopefully this news is true. I’m very dependent on using Google’s navigation, both overseas and in Singapore. I had to root my phone and install a modified version of Google’s map. Hopefully, now I don’t need to any longer.

If you would like to have a turn by turn navigation app now, and do not wish to root your phone, do check out Waze. Waze is a fun, community-based traffic & navigation app, 30 million strong. Maps for Singapore are relatively updated too. However, you can’t use a postal code search.