IglooHome – Smart Lock on Promotion Now ($99 w/ Installation)
IglooHome offers a smart digital lock for only $99. It’s a great price for those who wants to add that added convenience to your home. No keys, no sweat :-)
- UPDATE 23 March 2016: Something seems to have changed. Pricing is now $99 for the lock – installation is an additional $99. Kinda meh. Deal is average. Sentiment of article is therefore a little different.*
It’s a great pricing. I paid $70 just for the installation of my lock.
But that’s not all. There’s added features that makes it even better than some common digital lock models out there. It’s missing fingerprint and RFID, but comes with PIN code, Bluetooth unlock and physical key override. Physical key override is for those days when Murphy Law swings about. It addresses a common worry on what IF the digital lock decides to fail you and lock you out. The physical key is always an option, just in case unexpected situations occur.
There’s some added advantages to it too.
Temporary PIN Codes
You can create temporary PIN codes for other guests such as your relatives, cleaners etc. directly from the mobile app from anwhere, anytime.
Bluetooth Access
You can unlock the door via the mobile app through bluetooth. You can assign bluetooth key to other devices as well.
Auto PIN Code Generation
Igloohome automatically creates a PIN code for your Airbnb guest and sends it to him/her. No more unnecessary time spent coordinating guest access.
Request for Home Cleaning Services
Igloohome partnered with trusted cleaning agencies to bring cleaning to your doorstep.
If you are interested pick it up here: http://www.igloohome.co/sg/smart-cleaning-access/lock/
If I hadn’t pick up my digital lock already (a Gateman WF-10), I would have plunged for this offer. As it is, I am thinking of getting it for my parent’s place. Beyond the pricing (which is excellent), there are good product differentiation, with the partners such as AirBNB, Home Cleaning partners, which are getting more popular with the younger home owners. Of course, there’s always the added products and services from IglooHome. They can be considered as an ex-Singtel Startup, and are looking to penetrate the home IT space. WIth such an aggressive offering at the start, it would be interesting to see what else they come up with.
2 Replies to “IglooHome – Smart Lock on Promotion Now ($99 w/ Installation)”
Will I be able to lock in for this promotion first and install on my new flat later ?
Can this be installed on both main and bedroom doors ?
Hi Patrick, yes igloohome do have models for both main and bedroom doors. However, I think the above promotion has changed, do check with them for the latest :)